2008年10月30日 星期四

My Reactions:
According to the report,there are many China AIDS patients dying because of "tragic stigma."
I thind the most possible factor which results in this tragedy is that there are billions of people in China but only few of them do realize what the AIDS is and prevent it.Besides,the Chinese government doesn't compeletly make their people know that they will be infected with AIDS only through three ways.One is a sexual behavior.Another is a infection of blood.Still another is a mother who is in pregnant but get AIDS before.However,many people don't understand that they will never get AIDS unless they do those three things I mentioned above,so they discriminate the people who are infected with AIDS and refuse to work with them or interact to them.Therefore,those people who get AIDS are afraid of asking for help,letting others know that they are infected because ther will be isolated by everybody.In the end,there are thousands of patients dying innocently.
Fortunately,the gorvenment start to notice this problem but not to just ignorant it like before and they also find some solutions to save more patients’ life.I hope that those solutions will work out indeed and all the AIDS patients can take great treatments and never give up.(203)

2008年10月23日 星期四

My reactions:
As far as I am concered, massage is a good way to relax our body and spirit indeed.When we go having massage,we could stop thinking about everything that makes us discouraged or depressed.All we have to do is enjoy the comfortable touch in massaging and forget all the unhappy things.And we could gain energy and recharge ourselves after massage.
We can feel relieved to have massage therapy because it has been provided by a licensed or certified professional produces.Here is a real case by having massage therapy.The investigators at the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine found that the cancer patients who received massage therapy had greater improvement in pain and mood than patients who were touched in a manner similar to massage but without the precise motion and pressure a trained therapist uses.This is another special way for patients to reduce their pain after they are taking chemotherapy.Besides,it is much more healthy than taking pain-killer medicine because there are many side effects if people take too much medicine to stop pain.
As a consequence,if anyone of you feel tired or depressed next time,you can try this outlet to make you body and spirit get more relaxed and comfortable.(200)

2008年10月16日 星期四

It’s a report about how animals evolve from water to land. The researchers find the striking evidence of the intermediate steps by which some marine vertebrates evolved into animals that walked on land. Actually, it really makes me amazed because we humanbeings are different from fish at all. But the way our skeleton transiting has a deep relationship with fishes.
The humans’ predecessor was the fish, a predator up to nine feet long which was also the other species’ predecessor,including amphibians, reptiles and dinosaurs, mammals and eventually humans. The animals were first changing their head and braincase, which a mobile neck was emerging and a bone associated with underwater feeding and gill respiration was diminishing in size. When their body was relatively fixed, the flexible neck is important. And then these animals started live in shallow-water settings and begin to rely less on gill respiration. Second,according to what the researcher said,’’ the hyomandibula lost its original functions little by little and they gained the role in hearing at the same time.In humans,as in other mammals, the hyomandibula, or stapes, is one of the tiny bones in the middle ear.’’
These two things I mentioned above are the new studies which are being published this Thursday in the journal Nature.And there are more details in the reports.If anyone who interests in it can get much more information from the journal Nature.(230)

2008年10月9日 星期四

My Reactions:
In my opinion, there are a lot of unknown or poisonous fruits and plants in wild, some of which may have remedial functions; while some of others could make a threat to our health. Therefore, after reading this report, we can learn something we haven't realized before and absorbed some new knowledge of diabetes. Besides, we can also learn how to make initial and detailed records, which could make doctor realize our disease more elaborately.
When we want to understand what disease we have got, we should know its symptoms and record every single detail of these symptoms happened to us, and then we may go to hospital to ask for doctor's help. The doctor will depend on what details we tell them and his or her former experience to find out what diseases could be the most impossible one we have got. And then, the doctor will let us know that there are many factors causing the disease. However, the most commonest factor is eat the poisonous food but we don’t know ourselves. As a consequence, we should know if our body is allergic to the food before we eat them, realize their contents and understand whether they are poisonous or not.(203)

2008年10月7日 星期二

Tea Up

Green tea is thought to be a cancer-preventing superfood; now researchers say it may also be a weapon against deadly superbugs like MRSA.

As far as I am concerned,green tea is good to our health indeed.When I was young,my good friend,Windy suggested that I try to drink few cups of green tea a day;for it can bring some benefits such as keeping weight,reducing the fat in our body and so on.Therefore,I started to drink a cup of green tea from then on;because I wanted to stay a shape of slender.
Not until I read the news recently do I know that there are more deep aspects of drinking green tea.According to the research announced from researchers of Egypt's University of Alexandria,drinking green tea makes many positive influences on humanbeings'
health.First,green tea can enhance the bacteria-killing activity of the antibiotics which means that it may become a great weapon to fight against a growing number of antibiotic-resistant in hospitals or community settings.Furthermore,it offers a lot of healthy antioxidants so that it may improve circulation and make the degradation of cartilage delayed.Third,green tea has less caffeine which means it has fewer side effects.The most important of all,it could prevent the growth of some kinds of cancers.
As a consequence,after knowing there are so many bebefits in drinking green tea ,I intensely recommend everybody form a habit of drinking a few cups of green tea in daily life.(212 words)