2008年12月25日 星期四

No one will associate the sleep quality to heart problems at all,unless,they read this article as I.Frankly speaking,people usually put heart diseases together with horrible food habits,serious corpulence and so on.Therefore,I am so surprised and lucky to see this report because now I realize such a important information that sleeping too less would make some unknown hazards to our hearts.
As far as lots of people concerned,they often impute some heart problems such as high cholesterol,hypertension and diabetes to some other reasons instead of lack of sleep.Besieds,they also consider that sleeping and alcohol only make influences on the liver. However,according to the research which is discovered and improved,the ringleader of heart illnesses is that sleeping too less each day.Not only we but the researchers are so astonished by this surprising detect.As a result,through their experiments for confirming whether the discover is true or not,they corroborate it accurately.
As for me,knowing this new information is one important thing and the other one is what we should do to make some preventions of those kinds of tragedies.I think the most effective method is to sleep as enough as possible at least 6 ours each day.Then,trying not to form bad habits such as smoking ,alcohol and any kind of hobby might make us get heart sicknesses.We should do everything we can for saving our hearts and health.(224)

2008年12月18日 星期四

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Before thousands of years ago,there were a lot of people knew they should prevent conceptions.In each period of that time,many experts invented various form of condoms.What their shapes were or what materials to make them were not that important,because their purpose was to avoid pregnancy.As a consequence,most people concerned about was whether they effected well.Besides,not only males but also the females have their own condoms.Although most of the condoms are designed for men,there are few types for women,because women also should learn how to protect themselves with initiative.However,there are some problems for making womens’ condoms for the cost is high and it needs more advanced techniques.
In my opinion,using condoms when having sex is the smartest and safest way to protect each other.There are so many viruses would infect to people when they are making love without good preventions.Thus,AIDS,the most dreadful contagious venereal disease could spread worldwide easily because almost modern people extensively intercourse with their beloved or even with strangers in one night stand.Then,they get the disease unconsciously.Furtheremore,I have heard a news that there was a infected person with injectors of the AIDS’s virus showing up in the night market and he stabbed it into whoever he saw.It’s really dangerous and disgusting.
As a result,I think the best ways to protect ourselves are using condoms properly,having a fixed sex partner and watch out whether there is someone looking like a pervert or weird person around us.(237)

2008年12月11日 星期四

How Struggling Cities Can Reinvent Themselves

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Because we are faced with the difficulty of global recession,many officials of lots countries all try their best to figure out something helpful to resolve their problem of economic downturn.Even though cities are almost the most advanced also encounter these economical problems.That’s why I think we should pay more attention on these topics and think about our future.
Actually,there are so many people are unemployed in the world even the China,which most companies come for reducing their cost of workers.Take my father’s factory for example,he usually can not hire many laborers because many factories would vie for cheaper workpeople.However,he now hire a lot of people to work for him because almost all the factories around are closed as a result of the economic crisis.Therefore,we find some resolutions for overcoming this bad economic situation.For instance,many agricultural cities of Taiwan would combine their famous products and beautiful tourist spots,then hold a special activity to attract people around Taiwan even foreign countries to tour and consum.It’s really a great way to make people spend their money.Furtheremore,we could learn other countries methods to enhance skills of selling our products and appeal to much more people come to Taiwan and improve the circumstance of global recession.

2008年12月4日 星期四

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I think when we are dealing with those problems between mother-in-law and the women,we have to probe into both of their points of view.
For example,I am absolutely not used to share my son’s love with another woman because I think I love him much than any other people even than his wife.However,it’s inevitable.Besides,mother-in-law might want to give some older advice on the way how to teach the grandchildren but the young couple would like to use their modern methods so the conflicts might pop out.On the other hand,the wives are also very toilsome for they have to move into a new family, adapt to them and try to play their role well.They have married so they have to learn some new rules and not allow to do something they usually do when they are single.It’s pretty difficult for them indeed.If they still express themselves as they want then the frictions with mother-in-law just emerge.
Nevertheless,the most important role to help them disentangle these problems or conflicts is the mother’s son,the wife’s husband for their combination is all because of him.As a consequence,I consider that as long as he patiently play the role who appeases them well and until they know each other for much more time and deeply then all the unhappy things would definitely disappear.